Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Marshview Trails Cleanup

Also in Virginia Beach Parks & Rec news...There is a monthly cleanup at the Marshview Park right off of Norfolk Ave on Marshview Drive, across from the tennis courts; google map it!  This month's cleanup is scheduled to take place this Saturday the 18th of December from 9 till noon.  The property was once federal but has been recently purchased by the city of Virginia Beach and is currently considered an "open space" property.  We are hoping that through volunteering and helping to keep the place clean we would be noticed for our "good faith" efforts and hopefully be able to establish some dirt trails or other bicycle "minimal impact" contraptions, which would finally be given municipal immunity from the bulldozer.  So come help fill up some orange trash bags and clean up this beautiful park.


Thursday, December 9, 2010


I know this is last minute as hell, but you know how we do. Anyway, the Virginia Beach parks and rec department is having an open house tonight beginning at 4pm at the Kempsville rec center and lasting through about 7pm. Basically this is an open meeting to display their plans for a city wide system of bikeways and trails, and to get feedback and opinion from the potential users of this system. I attended the first one earlier this week with Balls and Christian, and was pretty impressed with what they have in store. Remember though, there's no way they'll get money for something like this unless people show and interest, so please show up and make your voice heard. You can also get involved by going to www.VBgov.com/bikewalk  and providing your comments and feedback.